Portrait by Sou Vaikeng

I am interested in people, communities and their history. How can we keep a communities history alive? How can we hold onto their memories in rapidly changing environments? I want to bring the past into the present in a way that is visual, creative and accessible to all; especially in historic neighbourhoods and in areas in a process of change.

Much of my work has a primary objective and focus on social inclusion, giving a voice to those who are vulnerable, marginalised, and especially the elderly who often feel left behind in our rapidly evolving technological world. People must feel proud of who they are, where they come from, what they represent and of their history. I have found that a way of doing this has been to exhibit in the spaces that people inhabit in their daily life. My outdoor exhibits, especially in the Lisbon historic centre, have given a sense of pride and identiity to those who live there. Or at least this is what they tell me! They are put in the limelight, or even centre stage if you like. Thousands of tourists pass through Lisbon daily and the images they encounter on the walls bring them a little loser to the community, and remind them that there is rich cultural history which they must respect.

I have lived in Portugal for nearly 16 years - the first 12 years in Lisbon and the remaining in Almada where I have my studio. I have various ongoing outdoor exhibits which have been collaborative projects with the communities. Images are in the streets and alleys and accessible to all. They belong to the people. You will find them on stone, wood and even printed directly onto the walls.

You are more than welcome to contact me and come and see my studio and learn about my processes.